What We Do at BridgeCamp

BridgeCamp is an immersive, experiential camp designed to solidify the bond between parents and kids.

We develop our camp events and activities to allow our participants to see one another in situations outside of day-to-day life.

Typical communication barriers are removed and opportunities are provided for meaningful connections to be made; this creates a more solid, meaningful relationship.

We believe in Serving, Learning, and Adventuring - together


Service requires us to see the world around us and requires a certain level of empathy and agency. It allows us to know that we can be a meaningful participant in our own lives, and the lives of others.


  • There is a unique effect on the hearts and minds of youth when serving others. Service has the power to change them in a way that no educational lesson can: by encouraging them to make the world a better, kinder place.

  • When serving together, fathers and sons gain the opportunity to witness one another fully committing to a cause outside of themselves. This sacrifice of one’s time, energy, and attention allows us to access a certain level of humility. When done with someone important to us it creates a unique connection and as father and son, allows each person to see one another let go of themselves and embrace the needs of another.


  • Each day brings a new opportunity to perform a unique service project. Most projects will be in conjunction with Camp Oakley. (Other projects might be clean-up services for local groups and/or communities.)

  • Site cleanup at Reins at SaddleView Ranch (the equine center)

  • Trail cleanup and maintenance at Camp Oakley

  • Project at NAC while doing the ropes course (details coming)


  • Basecamp staff will coordinate service projects and opportunities with Camp Oakley, Reins at Saddle View Equine, and the NAC (National Ability Center). Each project will be approximately 3 hours in length and will include activities such as building sheds and structure, clearing and cleaning trails from deadfall and debris, painting, building fences, and many other activities.

  • Tools and equipment needed to fulfill these service projects will be provided by the Basecamp staff and/or the facility whom we are serving.


  • Participants themselves provide a benefit, and help others.

  • Fathers and sons have time to talk and connect, while getting their hands dirty.

  • Participants will see and help one another accomplish something difficult - there is strength in struggle!

  • They will share in the sense of accomplishment when they complete the service project.


There is nothing more empowering than learning new skills, overcoming challenges, growing in confidence, and reaching one’s full potential. Done together as father and son and sharing in the journey creates an unforgettable connection!


  • Learn to develop shared goals, and help one another achieve those goals.

  • Engage in activities that push your limits and allow you to explore outside your comfort zone.

  • Awaken the inner explorer within each participant, and instill the belief that they are capable of climbing mountains and accomplishing anything.

    • Doing this together with father and son allows them to rely on each other and to help one another accomplish their individual and collective goals.

  • Individually: each participant sees that they are capable of overcoming challenges.

  • Collectively: participants seeing one another do difficult and challenging things enables a sense of empathy and connection.


  • Ropes Course

  • Equine experience

  • Mountainside rescue activity

  • Mine field activity

  • Activity Trek – 10 separate stations where participants will experience things such as: Archery, yoga (mindfulness), rope tying, an art station, connection and communication station, fishing, etc.


  • Removing distractions.

  • Creating memories.

  • Doing difficult things, both individually and collectively.

  • Working and communicating together


  • Gain self-confidence – learn that they can do hard things

  • Build trust between father and son – learn that they can depend on one another and do hard things together!

  • Learning each other’s fears and vulnerabilities helps the duo learn empathy for one another, which tears down walls and facilitates connection.


As we inevitably rise and fall throughout our lives, our experiences create a continuous learning opportunity. No matter how positive or negative the relationship between a father and son is, they continuously learn from one another; shared learning is inevitable.


  • To help process the day’s events and discuss principles learned.

  • Have guided discussions about relationships, communication, connection, etc.

  • Everyone will be able to learn from each other’s shared experiences.

  • Learning together as father and son will create deeper levels of understanding and connection.


  • Fireside chats, discussions, and presentations on specific topics such as:

    • The 3 C’s – connection, communication, choice

    • Self-awareness

    • Power of connection

    • Journaling and vow of silence

    • Vulnerability and connection

    • Connect with self

    • “Surrendering and letting go” exercise


  • Each night of the camp will include a fireside discussion and summary of the day’s events.

  • Processing and presentations

  • Guest speakers and presenters


  • Processing and learning together will allow the participants to grow and expand their understanding of themselves and each other.

  • Lay the groundwork for improved communication between father and son.

  • Develop deep rooted connections that will improve and help their relationships.