One-Day Student Athlete Event

A feature BridgeCamp single-day experience designed specifically for Highland High student athletes and their parents.

August 5, 2023 || Camp Oakley in Weber, Utah || 2375 South Fork Canyon Road, Kamas, UT 84036

What did we do at the event?

This was a truly unique BridgeCamp event, as it was a one-day experience focused on building strong connections between student athletes and their parents. As usual, though, our attendees were provided with a perfect blend of service, adventure, and learning, that helped them solidify their relationships to one another.

Morning Training: Athlete Runs and Supportive Discussions
Our day kicked off with a run led by Highland High track coach Dennis. While the athletes trained, their parents gathered to discuss strategies for best supporting their student athletes. We focused the conversations around understanding the unique challenges faced by young athletes and explored effective ways to provide guidance and encouragement throughout their journey.

Equine Experience: Building Trust and Connection
Next, we took part in a truly unique and immersive equine experience. Participants learned the importance of trust, effective communication, and empathy. This was a favorite among the attendees and it was truly amazing to see how much this activity brought the parents and their kids together. We love how impactful this program has been at our past camps, and today was no different.

Exploration and Education: Discussing Sports Psychology, Mindfulness, and Communication
Throughout the day, we engaged in meaningful discussions on topics such as sport psychology, mindfulness, and communication skills. Led by experienced professionals, these discussions equipped parents and kids alike with valuable tools to enhance performance, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Participants gained insights on how to effectively manage stress, build resilience, and establish open lines of communication within their family unit.

Service Project: Making a Difference Together
At BridgeCamp, we believe in the power of service to nurture empathy and strengthen bonds. As part of this one-day program, participants took part in a joint service project that provided a unique opportunity for parents and kids to come together, work towards a common goal, and make a positive impact on their community. Through this service, we forged connections that extend beyond the camp experience and instilled a lifelong connection between parent and child.

For more information or questions, please contact Dave Gray at 801-558-8902, or Dennis Gholson at 901-831-3382.

Want to learn more?

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